How 1:1 coaching with me works
If you keep doing what you are doing, you will keep getting what you get! The only way to reach your dreams is by TAKING ACTION! And I can help you with that! I’ll help you find your path!
For anything in your life, there are always choices you can make to achieve what you want. Even when you decide NOT to do anything, that is also a choice you’ve made! I will work with you to help you figure out who you are today and who you want to be tomorrow and how to get there! We bring patterns from our past that a lot of times we are not even aware they exist, and they could be limiting you to get exactly where you want to be! Let’s work on finding out what is getting you stuck on this phase of your life and how you can get out of it and move towards the reality you want for your life!
I use my knowledge of Neuroscience (the science of the brain) with my work. Our thoughts create our feelings that in turn drive our behaviors. The way to change how you are feeling and how you are behaving is by creating new neural pathways in your brain, so that the old ones that are already hard wired in your brain can prune, and your new thoughts and behaviors will be the constant in your life. The process is simple, but not easy. There is a lot of self work involved. But it works!!
Not stuck? Just need to find your inner light and become the best version of yourself on a new chapter in your life? The work you will have to do with me is the same! There is no change in this world that happens without hard work! And I am here to help you!
“Fabiana transformed my life in 1.5 hours (record timing!). During our first session, she captured my entire essence with care and love and she rescued my own SELF, who is capable to achieve all of my dreams. Thank you Fabiana”